链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MglwXjH-59Nbz2ntWfGmvQ 提取码: hytu
我(liigo)开发的这个SGF解析器,采用基于事件的简单API,类似于XML解析器中的SAX(Simple API for XML)。这种解析器的核心是:由用户事先提供一系列回调函数,解析器在解析的过程中,依次调用相关的回调函数并传入相应参数,用户程序在回调函数中做出相应的处理。此类解析器属于轻量级的解析器,解析速度快,占用内存少,结构清晰易于实现,只是相对来说不如基于DOM的解析器方便使用。
SGF格式,Smart Game Format,被设计用来记录多种游戏类棋谱的通用格式,在围棋领域被发扬光大,是用于描述围棋棋谱的最重要也最通用的形式。它是纯文本的、基于树(TREE)的结构,便于识别、存储和传输。其格式简洁实用,也非常易于编程解析。SGF格式官方规范网址为:http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/。(说到围棋棋谱,不得不赞叹一下,它只需用一幅图就可以完整还原一盘棋从始至终的风云变幻;作为对比,象棋一幅图只能描述对弈中某一时刻的场景。)
Collection = GameTree { GameTree } GameTree = "(" Sequence { GameTree } ")" Sequence = Node { Node } Node = ";" { Property } Property = PropIdent PropValue { PropValue } PropIdent = UcLetter { UcLetter } PropValue = "[" CValueType "]" CValueType = (ValueType | Compose) ValueType = (None | Number | Real | Double | Color | SimpleText | Text | Point | Move | Stone)
(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]FG[257:Figure 1]PM[1] PB[Takemiya Masaki]BR[9 dan]PW[Cho Chikun] WR[9 dan]RE[W+Resign]KM[5.5]TM[28800]DT[1996-10-18,19] EV[21st Meijin]RO[2 (final)]SO[Go World #78]US[Arno Hollosi] ;B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dd];B[pj];W[nc];B[oe];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd] (;B[qf];W[rf];B[rg];W[re];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb] (;B[mp];W[fq];B[ci];W[cg];B[dl];W[cn];B[qo];W[ec];B[jp];W[jd] ;B[ei];W[eg];B[kk]LB[qq:a][dj:b][ck:c][qp:d]N[Figure 1] ;W[me]FG[257:Figure 2];B[kf];W[ke];B[lf];W[jf];B[jg] (;W[mf];B[if];W[je];B[ig];W[mg];B[mj];W[mq];B[lq];W[nq] (;B[lr];W[qq];B[pq];W[pr];B[rq];W[rr];B[rp];W[oq];B[mr];W[oo];B[mn] (;W[nr];B[qp]LB[kd:a][kh:b]N[Figure 2] ;W[pk]FG[257:Figure 3];B[pm];W[oj];B[ok];W[qr];B[os];W[ol];B[nk];W[qj] ;B[pi];W[pl];B[qm];W[ns];B[sr];W[om];B[op];W[qi];B[oi] (;W[rl];B[qh];W[rm];B[rn];W[ri];B[ql];W[qk];B[sm];W[sk];B[sh];W[og] ;B[oh];W[np];B[no];W[mm];B[nn];W[lp];B[kp];W[lo];B[ln];W[ko];B[mo] ;W[jo];B[km]N[Figure 3]) (;W[ql]VW[ja:ss]FG[257:Dia. 6]MN[1];B[rm];W[ph];B[oh];W[pg];B[og];W[pf] ;B[qh];W[qe];B[sh];W[of];B[sj]TR[oe][pd][pc][ob]LB[pe:a][sg:b][si:c] N[Diagram 6])) (;W[no]VW[jj:ss]FG[257:Dia. 5]MN[1];B[pn]N[Diagram 5])) (;B[pr]FG[257:Dia. 4]MN[1];W[kq];B[lp];W[lr];B[jq];W[jr];B[kp];W[kr];B[ir] ;W[hr]LB[is:a][js:b][or:c]N[Diagram 4])) (;W[if]FG[257:Dia. 3]MN[1];B[mf];W[ig];B[jh]LB[ki:a]N[Diagram 3])) (;W[oc]VW[aa:sk]FG[257:Dia. 2]MN[1];B[md];W[mc];B[ld]N[Diagram 2])) (;B[qe]VW[aa:sj]FG[257:Dia. 1]MN[1];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob] ;W[qb]LB[rg:a]N[Diagram 1]))
typedef struct _tagSGFParseContext { void* pUserData; int treeIndex; PFN_ON_TREE pfnOnTree; PFN_ON_TREE_END pfnOnTreeEnd; PFN_ON_NODE pfnOnNode; PFN_ON_NODE_END pfnOnNodeEnd; PFN_ON_PROPERTY pfnOnProperty; char idBuffer[16]; char* valueBuffer; int valueBufferSize; } SGFParseContext;
相应的还有初始化和清理SGFParseContext结构的函数,initSGFParseContext, cleanupSGFParseContext,皆不是本解析器的关键,略过不提。
typedef void (*PFN_ON_TREE) (SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szTreeHeader, int treeIndex); typedef void (*PFN_ON_TREE_END) (SGFParseContext* pContext, int treeIndex); typedef void (*PFN_ON_NODE) (SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szNodeHeader); typedef void (*PFN_ON_NODE_END) (SGFParseContext* pContext); typedef void (*PFN_ON_PROPERTY) (SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szID, const char* szValue);
下面正式开始解析工作。整个解析器被分为 parseProperty, parseNode, parseNodeSequence, parseGameTree, parseSGF 几大部分顺序解析,属于至底向上的分析实现模式。这几大部分,也分别对应着SGF的EBNF定义中的某一项。所有解析函数都接收参数 const char* szCollection, int fromPos,之前的解析函数将决定后续解析函数的起始解析位置。
//Property: id[value] int parseProperty(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos; int lindex; int nIDBufferSize = sizeof(pContext->idBuffer) - 1; assert(szCollection && fromPos >= 0); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; lindex = findchar(szFromPos, -1, '['); assert(lindex > 0 && lindex < nIDBufferSize); if(lindex > 0 && lindex < nIDBufferSize) { memcpy(pContext->idBuffer, szFromPos, lindex); pContext->idBuffer[lindex] = '/0'; if(isTextPropertyID(pContext->idBuffer)) { //parse the text or simple-text value, consider the '/' escape character const char* s = szFromPos + lindex + 1; char c; int in_escape = 0; int valuelen = 0; getEnoughBuffer(pContext, 1024); pContext->valueBuffer[0] = '/0'; while(1) { c = *s; assert(c); if(!in_escape) { if(c == '//') { in_escape = 1; } else if(c == ']') { break; } else { getEnoughBuffer(pContext, valuelen + 1); pContext->valueBuffer[valuelen++] = c; } } else { //ignore the newline after '/' if(c != '/r' && c != '/n') { getEnoughBuffer(pContext, valuelen + 1); pContext->valueBuffer[valuelen++] = c; } else { char nc = *(s+1); if(nc) { if((c=='/r' && nc=='/n') || (c=='/n' && nc=='/r')) s++; } } in_escape = 0; } s++; } getEnoughBuffer(pContext, valuelen + 1); pContext->valueBuffer[valuelen] = '/0'; if(pContext->pfnOnProperty) pContext->pfnOnProperty(pContext, pContext->idBuffer, pContext->valueBuffer); return (s - szCollection + 1); } else { int rindex = findchar(szFromPos, -1, ']'); int nNeedBufferSize = rindex - lindex - 1; assert(rindex >= 0); getEnoughBuffer(pContext, nNeedBufferSize); memcpy(pContext->valueBuffer, szFromPos + lindex + 1, nNeedBufferSize); pContext->valueBuffer[nNeedBufferSize] = '/0'; if(pContext->pfnOnProperty) pContext->pfnOnProperty(pContext, pContext->idBuffer, pContext->valueBuffer); return (fromPos + rindex + 1); } } return -1; }
//Node: ; {property} int parseNode(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); //assert(szFromPos[0] == ';'); if(pContext->pfnOnNode) pContext->pfnOnNode(pContext, szFromPos); if(szFromPos[0] == ';') { fromPos++; szFromPos++; } while(1) { fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); if(szCollection[fromPos] == '/0' || findchar(";)(", -1, szCollection[fromPos]) >= 0) break; fromPos = parseProperty(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; } return fromPos; }
//NodeSequence: node{node} int parseNodeSequence(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); //assert(szFromPos[0] == ';'); while(1) { fromPos = parseNode(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; if(szFromPos[0] != ';') { if(pContext->pfnOnNodeEnd) pContext->pfnOnNodeEnd(pContext); break; } } return fromPos; }
//GameTree: ( {[NodeSequence]|[GameTree]} ) //old GameTree: ( NodeSequence {GameTree} ) int parseGameTree(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { char c; const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); assert(szFromPos[0] == '('); pContext->treeIndex++; if(pContext->pfnOnTree) pContext->pfnOnTree(pContext, szFromPos, pContext->treeIndex); fromPos++; szFromPos++; fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); c = szCollection[fromPos]; while(1) { if(c == '(') fromPos = parseGameTree(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); else fromPos = parseNodeSequence(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); c = szCollection[fromPos]; if(c == ')') { if(pContext->pfnOnTreeEnd) pContext->pfnOnTreeEnd(pContext, pContext->treeIndex); pContext->treeIndex--; break; } } return (fromPos + 1); }
//SGFCollection: GameTree {GameTree} int parseSGF(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); assert(szFromPos[0] == '('); pContext->treeIndex = -1; while(1) { fromPos = parseGameTree(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; if(szFromPos[0] != '(') break; } return fromPos; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char* s; int x; SGFParseContext Context; //initSGFParseContext(&Context, onTree, onTreeEnd, onNode, onNodeEnd, onProperty, NULL); initSGFParseContext(&Context, onTree2, onTreeEnd2, onNode2, onNodeEnd2, onProperty2, NULL); //test parse property: { s = "AB[cdef]X[xyz]"; printf("/ntest parse property: ----- /n"); x = parseProperty(&Context, s, 0); x = parseProperty(&Context, s, 8); s = "C[ab//]cd]"; x = parseProperty(&Context, s, 0); } //test parse node: { s = ";A[a]BB[bb]C[]"; printf("/ntest parse node: ----- /n"); x = parseNode(&Context, s, 0); s = ";A[a];BB[bb]C[]"; x = parseNode(&Context, s, 0); x = parseNodeSequence(&Context, s, 0); } //test parse tree: { printf("/ntest parse tree: ----- /n"); s = "(;A[a](;C[c](X[x])Z[z]);D[d](;E[e](F[ff])))"; x = parseGameTree(&Context, s, 0); } #if 1 //parse real sgf file: { int len = 0; void* data = NULL; FILE* pfile = fopen("d://x.txt", "r"); printf("/n---------- test parse real sgf file: -------- /n"); if(pfile) { fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(pfile); assert(len > 0); fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_SET); data = malloc(len); assert(data); fread(data, 1, len, pfile); parseSGF(&Context, data, 0); fclose(pfile); pfile = NULL; } } #endif { char c; printf("/n----- any key to exit: ----- /n"); fflush(stdout); scanf("%c", &c); } }
另外,有一个设计上的取舍,不知是较好还是较坏。所有的回调函数,目前都有一个 SGFParseContext* pContext ,而此前相同位置的参数是 void* pUserData。是后来考虑到回调函数可能需要访问SGFParseContext中的相关数据(如在PFN_ON_NODE中读取treeIndex),为了方便用户使用才引入pContext参数(用户也可以通过pUserData自行传入pContext,终究是多了一步)。目前的做法,似乎暴露了解析器内部结构(SGFParseContext),又似乎增强了回调函数的稳定性和扩展性(即使不改变函数原形也能通过pContext提供额外参数)。
#ifndef __SGF_H__ #define __SGF_H__ // SGF parser, by liigo // email: com.liigo_at_gmail.com // blog: http://blog.csdn.net/liigo // www.tianqiweiqi.com #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct _tagSGFParseContext SGFParseContext; typedef void (*PFN_ON_PROPERTY) (SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szID, const char* szValue); typedef void (*PFN_ON_NODE) (SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szNodeHeader); typedef void (*PFN_ON_NODE_END) (SGFParseContext* pContext); typedef void (*PFN_ON_TREE) (SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szTreeHeader, int treeIndex); typedef void (*PFN_ON_TREE_END) (SGFParseContext* pContext, int treeIndex); typedef struct _tagSGFParseContext { void* pUserData; int treeIndex; PFN_ON_TREE pfnOnTree; PFN_ON_TREE_END pfnOnTreeEnd; PFN_ON_NODE pfnOnNode; PFN_ON_NODE_END pfnOnNodeEnd; PFN_ON_PROPERTY pfnOnProperty; char idBuffer[16]; char* valueBuffer; int valueBufferSize; } SGFParseContext; void initSGFParseContext(SGFParseContext* pContext, PFN_ON_TREE pfnOnTree, PFN_ON_TREE_END pfnOnTreeEnd, PFN_ON_NODE pfnOnNode, PFN_ON_NODE_END pfnOnNodeEnd, PFN_ON_PROPERTY pfnOnProperty, void* pUserData); void cleanupSGFParseContext(SGFParseContext* pContext); int parseSGF(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos); int parseGameTree(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos); int parseNodeSequence(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos); int parseNode(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos); int parseProperty(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //__SGF_H__
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <memory.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "sgf.h" // SGF parser, by liigo // email: com.liigo_at_gmail.com // blog: http://blog.csdn.net/liigo // www.tianqiweiqi.com int findchar(const char* sz, size_t n, char c) { size_t i; if(n == -1) { char x; i = 0; while( x = sz[i] ) { if(x == c) return i; i++; } return -1; } else { for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(sz[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } } //return the first non-space char's index int skipSpaceChars(const char* s, char* endchars) { const char* p = s; char c; assert(s); while(c = *p) { if(endchars) { if(findchar(endchars, -1, c) >= 0) return (p - s); } if(!isspace(c)) return (p - s); p++; } return (p - s); } //skipChars or endchars can be NULL, but can not all NULL int skipChars(const char* s, char* skipChars, char* endchars) { const char* p = s; char c; assert(s && (skipChars || endchars)); while(c = *p) { if(skipChars) { if(findchar(skipChars, -1, c) == -1) return (p - s); } if(endchars) { if(findchar(endchars, -1, c) >= 0) return (p - s); } p++; } return (p - s); } int isTextPropertyID(const char* szID) { static const char* textIDs[] = { "C", "N", "AP", "CA", "AN", "BR", "BT", "CP", "DT", "EV", "GN", "GC", "ON", "OT", "PB", "PC", "PW", "RE", "RO", "RU", "SO", "US", "WR", "WT", "FG", "LB" }; static int n = sizeof(textIDs) / sizeof(textIDs[0]); int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(_stricmp(szID, textIDs[i]) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } void getEnoughBuffer(SGFParseContext* pContext, int nNeedBufferSize) { if(pContext->valueBuffer == NULL || nNeedBufferSize > pContext->valueBufferSize) { int buffSize = pContext->valueBufferSize; if(buffSize == 0) buffSize = 1024; while(buffSize < nNeedBufferSize) buffSize *= 2; if(pContext->valueBuffer == NULL) pContext->valueBuffer = malloc(buffSize + 4); else pContext->valueBuffer = realloc(pContext->valueBuffer, buffSize + 4); pContext->valueBufferSize = buffSize; } } // [value] int parsePropertyValue(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(szFromPos[0] == '['); if(!isTextPropertyID(pContext->idBuffer)) { int rindex = findchar(szFromPos, -1, ']'); int nNeedBufferSize = rindex - 1; assert(rindex >= 0); getEnoughBuffer(pContext, nNeedBufferSize); memcpy(pContext->valueBuffer, szFromPos + 1, nNeedBufferSize); pContext->valueBuffer[nNeedBufferSize] = '\0'; if(pContext->pfnOnProperty) pContext->pfnOnProperty(pContext, pContext->idBuffer, pContext->valueBuffer); return (fromPos + rindex + 1); } else { //parse the text or simple-text value, consider the '\' escape character const char* s = szFromPos + 1; char c; int in_escape = 0; int valuelen = 0; getEnoughBuffer(pContext, 1024); pContext->valueBuffer[0] = '\0'; while(1) { c = *s; assert(c); if(!in_escape) { if(c == '\\') { in_escape = 1; } else if(c == ']') { break; } else { getEnoughBuffer(pContext, valuelen + 1); pContext->valueBuffer[valuelen++] = c; } } else { //ignore the newline after '\' if(c != '\r' && c != '\n') { getEnoughBuffer(pContext, valuelen + 1); pContext->valueBuffer[valuelen++] = c; } else { char nc = *(s+1); if(nc) { if((c=='\r' && nc=='\n') || (c=='\n' && nc=='\r')) s++; } } in_escape = 0; } s++; } getEnoughBuffer(pContext, valuelen + 1); pContext->valueBuffer[valuelen] = '\0'; if(pContext->pfnOnProperty) pContext->pfnOnProperty(pContext, pContext->idBuffer, pContext->valueBuffer); return (s - szCollection + 1); } } //Property: id [value] { [value] } int parseProperty(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos; int lindex; int nIDBufferSize = sizeof(pContext->idBuffer) - 1; assert(szCollection && fromPos >= 0); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; lindex = findchar(szFromPos, -1, '['); assert(lindex > 0 && lindex < nIDBufferSize); if(lindex > 0 && lindex < nIDBufferSize) { memcpy(pContext->idBuffer, szFromPos, lindex); pContext->idBuffer[lindex] = '\0'; fromPos = parsePropertyValue(pContext, szCollection, fromPos + lindex); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; while(1) { fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); if(szCollection[fromPos] != '[') break; fromPos = parsePropertyValue(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; } return fromPos; } return -1; } //Node: ; {property} int parseNode(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); //assert(szFromPos[0] == ';'); if(pContext->pfnOnNode) pContext->pfnOnNode(pContext, szFromPos); if(szFromPos[0] == ';') { fromPos++; szFromPos++; } while(1) { fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); if(szCollection[fromPos] == '\0' || findchar(";)(", -1, szCollection[fromPos]) >= 0) break; fromPos = parseProperty(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; } return fromPos; } //NodeSequence: node{node} int parseNodeSequence(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); //assert(szFromPos[0] == ';'); while(1) { fromPos = parseNode(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; if(szFromPos[0] != ';') { if(pContext->pfnOnNodeEnd) pContext->pfnOnNodeEnd(pContext); break; } } return fromPos; } //GameTree: ( {[NodeSequence]|[GameTree]} ) //old GameTree: ( NodeSequence {GameTree} ) int parseGameTree(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { char c; const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); assert(szFromPos[0] == '('); pContext->treeIndex++; if(pContext->pfnOnTree) pContext->pfnOnTree(pContext, szFromPos, pContext->treeIndex); fromPos++; szFromPos++; fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); c = szCollection[fromPos]; while(1) { if(c == '(') fromPos = parseGameTree(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); else fromPos = parseNodeSequence(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); c = szCollection[fromPos]; if(c == ')') { if(pContext->pfnOnTreeEnd) pContext->pfnOnTreeEnd(pContext, pContext->treeIndex); pContext->treeIndex--; break; } } return (fromPos + 1); } //SGFCollection: GameTree {GameTree} int parseSGF(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szCollection, int fromPos) { const char* szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; assert(fromPos >= 0); assert(szFromPos[0] == '('); pContext->treeIndex = -1; while(1) { fromPos = parseGameTree(pContext, szCollection, fromPos); fromPos += skipSpaceChars(szFromPos, NULL); szFromPos = szCollection + fromPos; if(szFromPos[0] != '(') break; } return fromPos; } void initSGFParseContext(SGFParseContext* pContext, PFN_ON_TREE pfnOnTree, PFN_ON_TREE_END pfnOnTreeEnd, PFN_ON_NODE pfnOnNode, PFN_ON_NODE_END pfnOnNodeEnd, PFN_ON_PROPERTY pfnOnProperty, void* pUserData) { assert(pContext); pContext->pfnOnTree = pfnOnTree; pContext->pfnOnTreeEnd = pfnOnTreeEnd; pContext->pfnOnNode = pfnOnNode; pContext->pfnOnNodeEnd = pfnOnNodeEnd; pContext->pfnOnProperty = pfnOnProperty; pContext->pUserData = pUserData; pContext->idBuffer[0] = '\0'; pContext->valueBuffer = NULL; pContext->valueBufferSize = 0; pContext->treeIndex = -1; } void cleanupSGFParseContext(SGFParseContext* pContext) { if(pContext->valueBuffer) free(pContext->valueBuffer); memset(pContext, 0, sizeof(SGFParseContext)); } // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 以下是测试代码 static void printheader(const char* s, int n) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(s[i] == '\0') break; printf("%c", s[i]); } printf(" ... \n"); fflush(stdout); } static void onProperty(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szID, const char* szValue) { printf(" onProperty: %s[%s] \n", szID, szValue); fflush(stdout); } static void onNode(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szNodeHeader) { printf(" onNode: "); printheader(szNodeHeader, 32); } static void onNodeEnd(SGFParseContext* pContext) { printf(" onNodeEnd \n"); } static void onTree(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szTreeHeader, int treeIndex) { printf(" onTree: "); printheader(szTreeHeader, 32); } static void onTreeEnd(SGFParseContext* pContext, int treeIndex) { printf(" onTreeEnd \n"); } //------------------ static void onProperty2(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szID, const char* szValue) { printf("%s[%s] ", szID, szValue); //fflush(stdout); } static void onNode2(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szNodeHeader) { printf("; "); } static void onNodeEnd2(SGFParseContext* pContext) { } static void onTree2(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szTreeHeader, int treeIndex) { int i; printf("\n"); for(i = 0; i < treeIndex; i++) printf(" "); printf("[tree:%d]( ", treeIndex); } static void onTreeEnd2(SGFParseContext* pContext, int treeIndex) { printf(") [end of tree %d]\n\n", treeIndex); } static void testParseSGFFile(SGFParseContext* pContext, const char* szFileName) { int len = 0; void* data = NULL; FILE* pfile = fopen(szFileName, "r"); printf("\n\n--- test parse sgf file: %s ---\n", szFileName); if(pfile) { fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(pfile); assert(len > 0); fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_SET); data = malloc(len); assert(data); fread(data, 1, len, pfile); parseSGF(pContext, data, 0); fclose(pfile); pfile = NULL; } else { printf("\n\n--- open sgf file error: %s ---\n\n", szFileName); } } //////////////////// int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char* s; int x; SGFParseContext Context; //initSGFParseContext(&Context, onTree, onTreeEnd, onNode, onNodeEnd, onProperty, NULL); initSGFParseContext(&Context, onTree2, onTreeEnd2, onNode2, onNodeEnd2, onProperty2, NULL); //test parse property: { s = "A[a]B[b1][b2]X[xyz]"; printf("\ntest parse property: ----- \n"); x = parseProperty(&Context, s, 0); x = parseProperty(&Context, s, 4); s = "C[ab\\]cd]"; x = parseProperty(&Context, s, 0); } //test parse node: { s = ";A[a]BB[bb]C[]"; printf("\ntest parse node: ----- \n"); x = parseNode(&Context, s, 0); s = ";A[a];BB[bb]C[]"; x = parseNode(&Context, s, 0); x = parseNodeSequence(&Context, s, 0); } //test parse tree: { printf("\ntest parse tree: ----- \n"); s = "(;A[a](;C[c](X[x])Z[z]);D[d](;E[e](F[ff])))"; x = parseGameTree(&Context, s, 0); } #if 1 //parse real sgf file: { char filename[256]; int i; for(i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { sprintf(filename, "%d.sgf", i); testParseSGFFile(&Context, filename); } for(i = 0; i <= 365; i++) { sprintf(filename, "WuQingYuan\\wqy (%d).sgf", i); testParseSGFFile(&Context, filename); } for(i = 1; i <= 465; i++) { sprintf(filename, "标准中国流645局\\S%05d.sgf", i); testParseSGFFile(&Context, filename); } } #endif { char c; printf("\n----- any key to exit: ----- \n"); fflush(stdout); scanf("%c", &c); } }