链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1v0VDqjQOyBvjLIJrZbUn4w 提取码: sd4s
//// sgfparser.cs parses .sgf files. Each parse takes a file and creates a list //// of ParsedNodes. The list of nodes may not adhere to normal game moves such //// as alternating colors, or starting with B in an even game and W with //// handicaps. The first node is the root node and should be game properties //// while following nodes should represent a game, but the nodes could //// represent setup for a problem. //// using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace SgfEd { public class ParsedGame { public ParsedNode Nodes { get; set; } public ParsedGame () { // nodes is the only public member. this.Nodes = null; } //// __str__ produces a strong that when printed to a file generates a valid //// .sgf file. //// public override string ToString () { if (this.Nodes == null) return ""; // Min tree is "(;)", but that implies one empty node else return "(" + this.NodesString(this.Nodes) + ")"; } //// _nodes_string returns a string for a series of nodes, and the caller //// needs to supply the open and close parens that bracket the series. //// private string NodesString (ParsedNode nodes) { var res = ""; while (nodes.Next != null) { // Get one node's string with a leading newline if it is not the // first. res += nodes.NodeString(res != ""); if (nodes.Branches != null) { foreach (var n in nodes.Branches) res = res + "\n(" + this.NodesString(n) + ")"; return res; } nodes = nodes.Next; } res += nodes.NodeString(res != ""); // Test res, could be single node branch. return res; } } // ParsedGame class public class ParsedNode { public ParsedNode Next; public ParsedNode Previous; public List<ParsedNode> Branches; public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Properties; public ParsedNode() { this.Next = null; this.Previous = null; this.Branches = null; this.Properties = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); } //// node_str returns the string for one node, taking a flag for a //// preceding newline and the dictionary of properties for the node. //// Game uses this for error reporting. //// public string NodeString(bool newline) { var props = this.Properties; string s; if (newline) s = "\n;"; else s = ";"; // Print move property first for readability of .sgf file by humans. if (props.ContainsKey("B")) s = s + "B" + this.EscapePropertyValues("B", props["B"]); if (props.ContainsKey("W")) s = s + "W" + this.EscapePropertyValues("W", props["W"]); foreach (var kv in props) { var k = kv.Key; if (k == "B" || k == "W") continue; s = s + k + this.EscapePropertyValues(k, kv.Value); } return s; } //// _escaped_property_values returns a node's property value with escapes so that the .sgf //// is valid. So, ] and \ must be preceded by a backslash. //// private string EscapePropertyValues(string id, List<string> values) { var res = ""; foreach (var v in values) { res = res + "["; if (v.Contains(']') || v.Contains('\\')) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var c in v) { if (c == ']' || c == '\\') sb.Append('\\'); sb.Append(c); } res = res + sb.ToString() + "]"; } else res = res + v + "]"; } //foreach return res; } } // ParsedNode class //// ParserAux provides stateless helpers for parsing. Public members are used throughout //// the program. //// public class ParserAux { public static ParsedGame ParseFile (string name) { var l = new Lexer(File.ReadAllText(name)); l.ScanFor("(", "Can't find game start"); var g = new ParsedGame(); g.Nodes = ParseNodes(l); return g; } //// _parse_nodes returns a linked list of ParseNodes. It starts scanning for a //// semi-colon for the start of the first node. If it encounters an open //// paren, it recurses and creates branches that follow the current node, //// making the next pointer of the current node point to the first node in the //// first branch. //// private static ParsedNode ParseNodes (Lexer lexer) { lexer.ScanFor(";", "Must be one node in each branch"); var cur_node = ParseNode(lexer); var first = cur_node; var branching_yet = false; while (lexer.HasData()) { // Semi-colon starts another node, open paren starts a branch, close // paren stops list of nodes. Scanning raises an exception if one of // these chars fails to follow (ignoring whitespace). var chr = lexer.ScanFor(";()"); if (chr == ';') { if (branching_yet) throw new Exception("Found node after branching started."); cur_node.Next = ParseNode(lexer); cur_node.Next.Previous = cur_node; cur_node = cur_node.Next; } else if (chr == '(') { if (! branching_yet) { cur_node.Next = ParseNodes(lexer); cur_node.Next.Previous = cur_node; cur_node.Branches = new List<ParsedNode>() { cur_node.Next }; branching_yet = true; } else { var n = ParseNodes(lexer); n.Previous = cur_node; cur_node.Branches.Add(n); } } else if (chr == ')') return first; else throw new FileFormatException("SGF file is malformed at char " + lexer.Location.ToString()); } throw new FileFormatException("Unexpectedly hit EOF!"); } // ParseNodes //// _parse_node returns a ParseNode with its properties filled in. //// private static ParsedNode ParseNode (Lexer lexer) { var node = new ParsedNode(); // Loop properties ... while (lexer.HasData()) { var id = lexer.GetPropertyId(); if (id == null) // Expected to return from here due to no properties or syntax at end of properties. return node; if (node.Properties.ContainsKey(id)) throw new Exception(string.Format("Encountered ID, {0}, twice for node -- file location {1}.", id, lexer.Location)); lexer.ScanFor("[", "Expected property value"); var i = -1; var values = new List<string>(); node.Properties[id] = values; // Loop values for one property while (lexer.HasData()) { // C and GC properties allow newline sequences in value. values.Add(lexer.GetPropertyValue(id == "C" || id == "GC")); i = lexer.PeekFor("[").Item1; if (i == -1) break; // no new values lexer.Location = i; } } throw new FileFormatException("Unexpectedly hit EOF!"); } // ParseNode } // ParserAux Class //// The Lexer class provides stateless helpers for Parser or ParserAux. //// internal class Lexer { private string _data; private int _data_len; private int _index; internal Lexer (string contents) { this._data = contents; this._data_len = contents.Length; this._index = 0; } internal int Location { get {return this._index;} set {this._index = value;} } //// scan_for scans for any char in chars following whitespace. If //// non-whitespace intervenes, this is an error. Scan_for leaves _index //// after char and returns found char. //// internal char ScanFor(string chars, string errmsg = null) { var tmp = this.PeekFor(chars); var i = tmp.Item1; var c = tmp.Item2; if (i == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg = errmsg + " -- file location " + this._index.ToString(); throw new Exception(errmsg ?? string.Format("Expecting one of '{0}' while scanning -- file location {1}", chars, this._index)); } else { this._index = i; return c; } } //// peek_for scans for any char in chars following whitespace. If //// non-whitespace intervenes, this is an error. Scan_for leaves _index //// unmodified. //// internal Tuple<int, char> PeekFor(string chars) { var i = this._index; while (this.HasData()) { var c = this._data[i]; i += 1; if (" \t\n\r\f\v".Contains(c)) continue; else if (chars.Contains(c)) return new Tuple<int, char>(i, c); else return new Tuple<int, char>(-1, ((char)0)); } return new Tuple<int, char>(-1, ((char)0)); } internal bool HasData() { return this._index < this._data_len; } private Regex propertyIdRegexp = new Regex(@"\s*([A-Za-z]+)"); //// get_property_id skips any whitespace and expects to find alphabetic chars //// that form a property name. .NET does not match at start location by default. //// .NET returns extra groups, and naming the one group in the pattern does not help find group. //// This empirically assumes groups[1] is the group we want, no documentation on group[0] in .NET, //// but it appears to be the whole match, which lets us test if we matched at the start or not. //// internal string GetPropertyId () { var match = this.propertyIdRegexp.Match(this._data, this._index); if (match.Success && match.Groups[0].Index == this._index) { this._index += match.Length; return match.Groups[1].ToString(); } return null; } //// get_property_id skips any whitespace and expects to find alphabetic chars //// that form a property name. This function open codes a simple regexp that //// .NET matches incorrectly. .NET fails to match at the start index provided //// in two ways. It finds any match anywhere in the string, which is arguably //// appropriate, but when you use the match start syntax and provide a start //// index for searching, .NET always fails the match. //// //internal string GetPropertyId () { // var i = this._index; // // Skip any whitespace // while (i < this._data_len) { // var c = this._data[i]; // if (" \t\n\r\f\v".Contains(c)) { // i += 1; // continue; // } // else // break; // } // // Grab alphabetic chars or fail // var sb = new StringBuilder(); // while (i < this._data_len) { // var c = this._data[i]; // if (('a' <= c && 'z' >= 'c') || ('A' <= c && 'Z' >= c)) { // i += 1; // sb.Append(c); // } // else // break; // } // if (sb.Length > 0) { // this._index = i; // return sb.ToString(); // } // else // return null; //} //// get_property_value takes a flag as to whether un-escaped newlines get //// mapped to space or kept as-is. It gobbles all the characters after a //// '[' (which has already been consumed) up to the next ']' and returns //// them as a string. Keep_newlines distinguishes properties like C and GC //// that can have newlines in their values, but otherwise, newlines are //// assumed to be purely line-length management in the .sgf file. //// //// SGF "text" properties can have newlines, newlines following \ are removed //// along with the \, other escaped chars are kept verbatim except whitespace //// is converted to space. //// //// SGF "simpletext" properties are the same as "text" but have no newlines. //// internal string GetPropertyValue(bool keep_newlines) { var res = new StringBuilder(); while (this.HasData()) { var c = this._data[this._index]; this._index += 1; if (((int)c) < ((int)' ')) { //if < space // Map whitespace to spaces. var tmp = this.CheckPropertyNewline(c); var newline = tmp.Item1; var c2 = tmp.Item2; if (newline) // Only map newline sequences according to keep_newlines. if (keep_newlines) { // Canonicalize newlines because 1) would write mixed newline sequences in different places // in .sgf depending on comments vs. other syntax, and 2) winRT textbox converts all line // endings with no option to preserve them. Not needed for WPF, but doesn't hurt. res.Append('\r'); res.Append('\n'); } else res.Append(" "); //convert newline to space to separate words else res.Append(" "); //convert whatever whitespace it was to space } else if (c == '\\') { // Backslash quotes chars and erases newlines. c = this._data[this._index]; this._index += 1; var newline = this.CheckPropertyNewline(c).Item1; if (! newline) res.Append(c); } else if (c == ']') return res.ToString(); else res.Append(c); } throw new FileFormatException("Unexpectedly hit EOF!"); } // GetPropertyValue //// _check_property_newline check if c is part of a newline sequence. If //// it is, then see if there's a second newline sequence char and gobble //// it. Returns whether there was a newline sequence and what the second //// char was if it was part of the newline sequence. //// private Tuple<bool, char> CheckPropertyNewline (char c) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { // Only map newline sequences according to keep_newlines. var c2 = this._data[this._index]; if (c2 == '\n' || c2 == '\r') { this._index += 1; return new Tuple<bool, char>(true, c2); } return new Tuple<bool, char>(true, ((char)0)); } else return new Tuple<bool, char>(false, ((char)0)); } } // Lexer class } // namespace